I Love seeing Couples
Love is what is left in relationship when the selfishness is taken out
Never let the things You want make You forget
The things You have
Remember, When you forgive you heal. And when you let go you Grow
We are only as blind as we want to be
Hold my hand my Brotha...:D
"Love is what makes you smile when you are tired"
(Paulo Coelho)
cieeee.... foto terakhirnya gak ku kuuuuuu :) sweet bener daaahhh
BalasHapus#uhuk :D
HapusFoto terakhirnya itu loh yang cetar membahana... hahahaha... tapi aku suka foto burung yg paling atas
BalasHapuscetar badai pokoknya yg terakhir hahahaha
Hapuscouple ...oh couple
#nyepam iki. wkwkwk :D
oh hehehe :)
HapusMaakk... aku sukaaaaaaa fotonya indaaahhh bingit. Itu gajah onta diambil dmn? *kepoo
BalasHapusitu foto2 diambil di bonbin gembiraloka jogja
Hapusmesra semua apalagi foto yang terakhir :)
BalasHapusuhuk :)
Hapusburung yg atas sendiri jenis apa mbak ?
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Hapusitu jenik kakatua mak :)